
Candela Lledó, Lucila

Responsable d'assignatures del Màster en Sostenibilitat

imatge no disponible

directori UPC

Recursos hídrics, especialment aigües subterrànies.

Producció científica

Articles seleccionats

Teijon, G.; Candela, L.; Tamoh, K.; Molina-Díaz, A.; Fernández-Alba, A.R. (2010) "Occurrence of emerging contaminants, priority substances (2008/105/EC) and heavy metals in treated waste water and groundwater at Depurbaix facility (Barcelona, Spain)", Science of Total Environment, 408:3584-3595.

Candela, L.; Caballero, J.; Ronen, D. (2010) "Glyphosate transport through weathered granite soils under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions (Barcelona, Spain)", Science of Total Environment, 408:2509-2516.

Candela, L.; Von Igel, W.; Elorza, F.J.; Aronica, G. (2009) "Impact assessment of combined climate and management scenarios on groundwater resources and associated wetland (Majorca, Spain)", Journal of Hydrology, 376:510-527.

Candela, L.; Fabregat, S.; Josa, A.; Suriol, J.; Mas, J.; Vigues (2007) "Assessment of soil and groundwater impacts by treated urban wastewater reuse. A case study: application in a golf course (Girona, Spain)", Science of  Total Environment, 374:26-35. 

Candela, L.; Álvarez-Benedi, J.; Condesso de Melo, M.T.; Rao, P.S.C. (2007) "Laboratory Studies on Glyphosate Transport in Soils of the Maresme Area Near Barcelona, Spain: transport Model Parameter Estimation", Goderma, 140:8-16.


Sánchez-Balvas, L.; De Felipe, J.; Sureda, B.Metabolisme urbà a Terrassa: comprensió de la ciutat amb el

seu entorn natural. Informe de conjuntura de Terrassa.2010,pp. 203 - 217.05/2011