
Driving sustainable innovation: The role of CITES, the ISST Research Group

In researching a sustainable future, the Research Group on Science and Technology for Sustainability (CITES) aims to contribute to innovation and transformation.

Committed to the advancement of sustainability research, CITES focuses on addressing the most urgent issues facing our planet.

Research areas: Navigating the complexities of sustainability

Climate change: Understanding and mitigating the impacts of climate change is essential to guarantee a sustainable future. CITES investigates climate dynamics, adaptation strategies and mitigation measures to combat this global challenge effectively.

Circular economy and Industrial Ecology: The transition to a circular economy is essential to reduce waste and promote l resource efficiency. CITES explores strategies to implement circular economy principles and promote industrial symbiosis to minimize environmental impact.

Education for sustainability: education plays a fundamental role in shaping sustainable mindsets and behaviors. CITES develops innovative educational approaches and study plans to empower individuals and communities to adopt sustainable practices.

Urban sustainability and green infrastructure: With rapid urbanization, guaranteeing the sustainability of cities is crucial. CITES examines urban planning strategies, green infrastructure initiatives and smart city solutions to improve urban sustainability and resilience.

Energy transition: The transition to renewable energy sources is essential to mitigate climate change and guarantee energy security. CITES explores renewable energy technologies, energy policy frameworks and sustainable energy systems to facilitate the transition to a low-carbon future.

Sustainable Design: Designing products, buildings and systems to ensure sustainability is imperative to reduce environmental impact . CITES promotes sustainable design principles, life cycle assessment methodologies and environmentally friendly materials to drive innovation in sustainable design practices.

Methodologies: Eines per a la Innovació Sostenible

Modeling and Simulation of Complex Systems: CITES uses advanced modeling and simulation techniques to analyze complex socio-ecological systems. These facilitate scenario planning, risk assessment and decision making processes to inform sustainable development strategies.

Transdisciplinary Research: Recognizing the interconnected nature of sustainability trends, CITES adopts a transdisciplinary approach that integrates concepts from diverse disciplines. By fostering collaboration between experts from different fields, CITES generates holistic solutions to complex sustainability problems.

Serveis ecosystems, strategic planning and resilience: CITES evaluates the ecosystem services, carries out strategic planning exercises and improves the resilience to environmental change. By understanding the benefits of ecosystems and implementing adaptive management strategies, CITES promotes sustainable resource management and conservation efforts.

Life cycle analysis: Life cycle analysis is a powerful tool for assessing environmental impacts The products, processes and services throughout their life cycle. CITES uses life cycle analysis to identify opportunities to improve environmental performance, reduce resource consumption and minimize waste generation.

The members of the CITES Group

Shaping a sustainable future together

As we navigate through the 21st century, the CITES research group's work aims to harness the power of science and technology to drive sustainable innovation. By addressing key research areas and utilizing cutting-edge methodologies, CITES' ambition is to transform our society into a more sustainable and resilient future.