
Informative Sessions of the Master's degree in Sustainability Science and Technology

There are two informative sessions scheduled for the MCTS (Master's degree in Sustainability Science and Technology).

The first one will be on Tuesday, May 18 at 7:00 p.m., virtually. To attend it, you only need to register at the following link

The second one will be on Tuesday, June 15 at 7:00 p.m. also virtually. Registration is required through the following link:

The third one will be on Wednesday, July 14 at 7:00 p.m. also virtually. You need to register through the following link:

The Master's Degree in Sustainability Science and Technology aims to provide an interdisciplinary and advanced training that facilitates the understanding of the interactions between society, economy and natural environment, as well as the scientific and technical options and trends that allow facing the main challenges of the sustainable development of current socio-environmental systems.

 If you are interested in the great problems that humanity currently has raised and you want to know how to face them from the scientific-technical field, this is your master's degree!

 You can visit the master's degree website for more information.