
Opening of the Master in Sustainability Science and Technology '23-'24 course

This Wednesday, September 27th, a new course of the Master in Sustainability Science and Technology has just begun.

On the morning of Wednesday, September 27, the academic year 2023-2024 of the Master in Sustainability Science and Technology (MCTS) began on a day that brought together the new members with teachers of the program and students of previous courses. In addition to attending class, students were able to share their experiences and first impressions.

Class attendance was received with great emotion by both students and teachers, as it allowed to share learning experiences and motivated first-year students from different parts of the world - Catalonia, Colombia, Peru, Argentina,... - and from various professions and disciplines - industrial engineering, environmental engineering, architecture, marketing,... - to be part of this program, demonstrating the multidisciplinary nature and particular characteristics that the master's degree offers.

This master's degree is offered by the University Institute for Research in Sustainability Science and Technologies, within the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, and is framed in a solid commitment to the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations. Its interdisciplinary approach seeks to understand the complex interactions between society, economy and the environment, as well as the relevant scientific-technical trends to address the challenges of sustainable development in current socio-environmental systems. This program trains change agents in various fields of engineering and technology, including biodiversity, built environment, services and information management to prepare them to design, implement and evaluate sustainable solutions in diverse contexts with a transdisciplinary, scientific and technical approach.

The master's degree will be taught in person at Campus Nord UPC with a total duration of two academic years and with the opportunity to mobility with the Erasmus program to other universities of international prestige.

Do you want to know more about our Master in Sustainability Sciences and Technologies? Discover in this video the essence of this training as presented by its teaching team: