Collective action, management of water resources and adaptation to climate change in the central region of Nicaragua

The aim of this study is to improve knowledge about the relations between collective action and water management for domestic and agricultural purposes in Jinotega and Matagalpa Departments. This is a pertinent field in Nicaraguan rural context due to the recent Nicaraguan Water Law (2007) and Water Users Associations Law (2010) which promote collective action formalization through Water Users Association (CAPS) and irrigation districts. Even more, it is specially interesting in a situation of climate variability, climate change and uncertainty, where local institutions performance and their collective action capacity to guarantee access to water resources is an essential but often less considered and analyzed mechanism.

In particular, the focus of this research is on the study of collective action in relation to the biophysical system. Thus, based on a set of territorial, climatic and demographic variables, the biophysical system will be characterized on first place. This will allow us to select a number of case studies in which a detailed analysis of the typology of collective action around water resources will be carried out based on the characteristics (age, origin, size, etc.), rules (constitutional, collective, operational and sanction) and performance (access and adaptation mechanisms to adverse climate conditions) of this collective action.

Finally, the results of this research will be published with both an academic and informative purpose. The diffusion of these outcomes is planned with a local and national scope as it aims to open up a public dialogue around the elements that can be used for decision-making processes.