Member of the Academic Committee of the PhD Programme in Environmental Engineering

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Characterization and remediation of contaminant spaces (saturated zone and unsaturated zone or "land"). Desorption of contaminants from soils contaminated by low temperature thermal technologies (thermal desorption) and by "Soil Vapor Extraction".
Scientific production
Selected papers
Navarro, A.; Cardellach, E.; Mendoza; Corbella, M. (2011) "Immobilization of Cu, Pb and Zn in mine-contaminated soils using reactive materials", Journal of Hazardous Materials, 186: 1576-1585.
Navarro, A.; Martínez, F. (2010) "The use of soil-flushing to remediate metal contamination in a smelting slag dumping area: Column and pilot-scale experiments", Engineering Geology, 115: 16-27.
Navarro, A.; Martínez, F. (2008) "Effects of sewage sludge application on heavy metal leaching from mine tailings impoundments" , Bioresource Technology, 99(16): 7521-7530.
Navarro, A.; Cardellach, E.; Mendoza, J.L.; Corbella, M.; Domenech, L.M. (2008) "Metal mobilization from base-metal smelting slag dumps in Sierra Almagrera (Almería)", Applied Geochemistry, 23: 895-913.
Navarro, A.; Carbonell, M. (2007) "Evaluation of groundwater contamination beneath an urban environment: The Besós river basin (Barcelona, Spain)", Journal of Environmental Management, 85: 259-269.