Coordinator of the PhD programme in Sustainability |

UPC directory |
antoni.roca-rosell |
Historical study of science and technology and its implications for the environment and sustainability. Scientific, industrial and technical heritage.
Scientific production
Selected papers
Roca Rosell, A. (2010) "Overview - An approach to Historiography of Technology in Spain, History of Technology", in Inkster, I., Calvo, A. (ed) "European Technologies in Spanish History", History of Technology. 30: 10-15. London: Continuum. ISBN: 9781441140111.
Roca Rosell, A.; Grapí Vilumara, P. (2010) "Antoni Quintana-Mari (1907-1998): A Pioneer of the Use of History of Science in Science Education". Science & Education, Septiembre. Vol. 19(9): 925-929
Roca Rosell, A. (2009) Narcís Monturiol. Una veu entre utopia i realitat/Una voy entre utopía y realidad. Madrid, Sociedad Estatal de Commemoraciones Culturales: Museu de l'Empordà: Museu Marítim. pp: 176. ISBN: 9788492827084.
Roca Rosell, A. (coord.) (2008) L'Escola Industrial de Barcelona. Cent anys d'ensenyament tècnic i d'arquitectura. Barcelona: Diputació de Barcelona, Ajuntament de Barcelona, Consorci de l'Escola Industrial de Barcelona. pp: 456. ISBN: 978-84-9850-080-6.
Nieto Galan, A.; Roca Rosell, A. (2006) "Scientific Education and the Crisis of the University in 18th Century Barcelona", in: Feingold, M.; Navarro-Brotons, V. (ed.) "Universities and Science in Early Modern Period", Archimedes, 12: 273-288.