Rosas Casals, Martí

Subjects responsible of the Master in Sustainability

UPC directory / web personal

Complex systems. Measurement and modeling of sustainability.

upc producció científica scopus (papers) scopus (author profile)

Scientific production

Selected papers

Rosas-Casals, M.; Solé, R. (2011) "Analysis of major failures in Europe's power grid", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy System, 33(3):805-808.

Rosas-Casals, M. (2010) "Power grids as complex networks. Topology and fragility", COMPENG 2010 - Complexity in Engineering, 5432918:21-26.

Horta-Bernús, R.; Rosas-Casals, M.; Valverde, S. (2010) "Discerning electricity consumption patterns from urban allometric scaling", COMPENG 2010 - Complexity in Engineering, 5432912:49-51.

Solé, R.V.; Rosas-Casals, M.; Corominas-Murtra, B.; Valverde, S. (2008) "Robustness of the European power grids under international attack", Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics, 77(2) art. 026102. 

Rosas-Casals, M.; Valverde, S.; Solé, R.V. (2007) "Topological vulnerability of the European power grid under errors and attacks", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 17(7):2465-2475.