
Inauguració del curs acadèmic 2015-2016

L'Institut Universitari de Recerca en Ciència i Tecnologies de la Sostenibilitat inaugura el curs acadèmic 2015-2016 amb la lliçó inaugural Transformational Sustainability Research. Developing Evidence-Supported Solutions, a càrrec d’Arnim Wiek (School of Sustainability, Arizona State University, USA).

L’acte d’inauguració tindrà lloc el dilluns 21 de setembre, a les 12 hores, la sala d’actes de la FIB (planta 0, Edifici B6. Campus Nord de la UPC).

is an Associate Professor in the School of Sustainability at Arizona State University. His group develops evidence-supported solutions to urban development, climate change, and public health challenges in collaboration with government, businesses, and community groups. Dr. Wiek had research and teaching engagements at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, the University of Tokyo, and Leuphana University of Lüneburg, Germany.

Transformational Sustainability Research, Developing Evidence-Supported Solutions

Sustainability problems amass and prevail, while problem-solving efforts often fail. Despite ambitious intentions, most sustainability research projects struggle to develop robust solutions – either they continue to be problem-focused, or they do not provide sufficient evidence for the solutions they propose. This talk presents a novel methodology for sustainability research that is capable of developing evidence-supported solutions that are transformational.



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